Thursday, January 22, 2009

I had a blood test done a few weeks ago to test my food senitivities also known as delayed allergic reactions. The foods listed make me break out more etc... So I'm on a new diet now and I have to stay away from these things:

1. Apples (what!)
2. Walnuts (yikes!)
3. Wheat /gluten (I think I'm gonna go crazy! no more bread pasta...)
4. Tomatoes (My favorite fresh sandwhich veggie!!)
5. Oats (yeah no more oatmeal!)
6. Grapes (what??!!)
7. Grapefruit (well don't eat a lot of those but they are good!)
8. Lemons (no more lemonade or salad dressings w/ lemon!
9. Dairy well no more milk cheese or yogurt!!! booo :(
10. SOY (sorry can't replace milk with soy milk... I'll have to use... uhhh I hate rice milk..)
11. Bakers and brewers yeast (no more bread... rice bread either!!)

So what am I replacing these common foods with? Well I haven't found a replacement for bread but for the pasta I have rice pasta. Instead of Cheerios I switched to corn flakes. Instead of fruits like apples and grapes I have mangoes and pears and bananas. etc. you get the picture!!! So if you're have some kinds of health problems I would suggest not using one type of food all the time. Wheat is so over-used! Try some barley or spelt... instead of eating oatmeal try cornmeal mush. Try growing some new greens in your garden like kale so you won't have to have only cabbage or lettuce. (Found out I have a slight allergy to spinach and lettuce!!! imagine that!) It's not going to be easy making changes... but it'll be worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (so you don't have to have a blood test and find out you're allergic to your favorite foods!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh that's awful! You can make the changed though! Just pray and ask for help. I'm pray for you. :)

Debbie Ann said...

Do you buy all of your fresh fruits & veggies organic? You may find that it's not the food you're allergic to, but the pesticides that are used on them. You may want to look into that. :)

Alyssa said...

Yeah we buy organic potatoes, organic carrots and whenever else we can. But after getting off the wheat and soy my skin has been much better and asthma much less.

Dj said...

Hi, i have a good recipe thats tastes nice and does not have those things that your allergic to in it.

Tapioca pudding


2 cups dairy-free almond milk,divided
1/3 cup small pearl tapioca ( not minute tapioca)
1 cup coconut milk
1/3 cup unrefined cane sugar or white granulated sugar
1/4 t. salt
2 T. corn starch mixed with 2 T. cold water
1/2 t. vanilla extract


1. In a medium-sized sausepan, combine 1 cup of the dairy free almond milk and the tapioca, and let the mixture soak for 2 hours to overnight.

2. whisk in the remaining almond milk , coconut milk,sugar,and salt, and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. after you've brought the mixture to a full boil (after about 12-15 minutes of stirring),turn down the heat and, continuing to stir often, let the mixture simmer for another 15 to 20 min.

3.once the tapioca beads are translucent, add the corn starch mixture,stirring constantly until combined. turn up the heat to medium,add the vanilla and cook for just a few minutes more, stirring constantly until mixture thickens.remove from heat and let the pudding cool for at least 10 minutes before serving.serve warm or cold. if serving cold, place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the pudding to prevent a skin forming.