Thursday, January 22, 2009

I had a blood test done a few weeks ago to test my food senitivities also known as delayed allergic reactions. The foods listed make me break out more etc... So I'm on a new diet now and I have to stay away from these things:

1. Apples (what!)
2. Walnuts (yikes!)
3. Wheat /gluten (I think I'm gonna go crazy! no more bread pasta...)
4. Tomatoes (My favorite fresh sandwhich veggie!!)
5. Oats (yeah no more oatmeal!)
6. Grapes (what??!!)
7. Grapefruit (well don't eat a lot of those but they are good!)
8. Lemons (no more lemonade or salad dressings w/ lemon!
9. Dairy well no more milk cheese or yogurt!!! booo :(
10. SOY (sorry can't replace milk with soy milk... I'll have to use... uhhh I hate rice milk..)
11. Bakers and brewers yeast (no more bread... rice bread either!!)

So what am I replacing these common foods with? Well I haven't found a replacement for bread but for the pasta I have rice pasta. Instead of Cheerios I switched to corn flakes. Instead of fruits like apples and grapes I have mangoes and pears and bananas. etc. you get the picture!!! So if you're have some kinds of health problems I would suggest not using one type of food all the time. Wheat is so over-used! Try some barley or spelt... instead of eating oatmeal try cornmeal mush. Try growing some new greens in your garden like kale so you won't have to have only cabbage or lettuce. (Found out I have a slight allergy to spinach and lettuce!!! imagine that!) It's not going to be easy making changes... but it'll be worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (so you don't have to have a blood test and find out you're allergic to your favorite foods!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

christmas pizza

This is what our family had on Christmas dinner. Feel free to comment and tell us what is your favorite Christmas dish? And what are your favorite pizza toppings?